The Chaire de recherche municipale en gestion durable de l’eau (Chaire GDE) is a partnership research chair supported by the Fédération québécoise des municipalités. Its main purpose is to reinforce and structure partnerships between Quebec municipalities and professors from INRS’s Centre Eau Terre Environnement. The research themes are set against a backdrop of climate change, and are in line with the Stratégie québécoise d’économie d’eau potable 2019-2025, the recommendations of the “Assainissement 2.0” working group, and the Plan québécois de protection du territoire face aux inondations. The Chair will make it possible to carry out research projects that best meet the most pressing needs of municipalities, and to apply research results more effectively.
The objectives of the Chair are as follows:
- Support cities in selecting the best solutions to improve water quality in the rivers on their territory and reduce the risks associated with flooding, increase the sustainability and efficiency of wastewater, stormwater and drinking water infrastructures.
- Train highly qualified personnel to meet the future human resources needs of Quebec municipalities